Tuesday 8 October 2013

Team of Heroes!

Aswell as researching into singular famous characters Ive also researched into groups of heroes as I will creating a team of atleast 5 later on in this project so I wanted to research into characters that fit together in there universe, I looked at the team in Final Fantasy 7, All the characters fit together due to how they are designed and drawn with manga like eyes and definitive hair styles 

The sonic team fits together for different reasons its obvious to the viewer that these characters belong together with there bright colours and simplistic design, big eyes etc

 I also looked at the Team Fortress team, a group of 9 guys each with different skills and abilities yet all fit together to create this team, there colour pallet is light grays and bright reds, another way to fit characters together is to give them a shared colour or or item etc to show they are together in that game universe

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