Tuesday 22 October 2013


 So today I made a massive amount of progress, practicing painted shading details, defining lighting and shading, creating brushes and blending using opacity and then finally alittle of adding colour and texture :) with help from Broady and Josh they instructed me giving me two minute tasks of adding light etc and below is the results of today's work!

I felt that without linework I was getting alittle lost with defining detail in areas as in my head they where just blank so I used a large selection of my character faces as the basis of the shading as there features where already defined due to the line work, Im very pleased with the outcome and the little amount of time it took to actually do these! I took one of them on to add more detail and blend the linework in and then josh instructed me to add colour and texture and for a quick test as im still learning im looking forward to the future of my workflow :)

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