Thursday 17 October 2013

Development Of practices

Since last blog update Ive had some more practices on silhouette paintings but mainly in the shading area now of the ones Ive already produced, using a lot of layers in Photoshop I worked on the silhouette below firstly, but upon showing Josh he mentioned that there was still too much line work involved and I had sort of segmented the images and colored in in sections rather than one whole image.

He also discussed with me the implication of light on a character when coloring in black and white, its importance is vital to correctly color an image, an area Im not too strong one so I took another one of the character silhouettes I made and as it is holding a fire ball its a perfect chance to practice the effects of light on the character, I also starting using lowered opacity brushes instead of just separate tones which helped but I found it had to define the shadow on the form.

While I was doing this I had a word with Broady from the MA course who is just finishing off his work now, He noticed that this wasn't the strongest of pieces and mentioned this artist below, He uses a solid white brush to pick up all the light information of the character, these examples are stunning and have inspired me to give this process a go as well, whatever helps to strengthen my artwork the better.

Below is my first attempt at this sort of style, though Ive noticed It feels like Im just picking up areas of detail from this not so much the lighting of the characters, I feel its the lack of understanding of the characters face, clothes etc that's letting me down so Im going to try on one of the characters of the group sheet on the previous blog post next.

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