Monday 4 November 2013

Last weeks work

So its been a while since I last updated my blog, In last Tuesdays lesson I used scanned in sketches of character faces and went about shading them in using the same technique Josh was showing me using two solid tones to start off then blending with lowered opacity brushes and there are the results, Em still lacking in understanding of lighting etc but I'm also running out of characters to colour I'm starting to think I should practice other peoples work, coping a well light scene would help alot I'm guessing.

Anyway below is the results of my painting,

The bottom left and one up i only used three tones as Josh was sat with me at this point and he told me to take that image onto another page and work on that while still only using three tones and then add colour to it to enhance it the result below isn't a high standard but the understanding of tone works well in it so this use of minimal tones needs practice which is where I'm heading next!

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