Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Selected Characters

Its been awhile again since I last posted work on here, this is due to having a hectic couple of weeks as Ive now moved out from home into a new place so sitting and doing large amounts of work has been difficult though I hope to rectify this now by spending the next couple of days solidly on my work!

So above is the selection of 17 of my favorite characters, Im now going to redraw these in new PSDs and draw side profiles and perspective shots of each to try and learn the designs for these characters

Friday, 7 March 2014

finalizing sketches

 In todays lesson Ive done what ive been looking forward to doing for a while, narrowing down the huge pile of character sketches too 10 - 15 solid ones, I also went through a process that I find really helps where I piece together my favorite elements of certain faces to create new ones, I did this process on my Honours project to create the characters I used and below are two examples of new faces created and which piece as come from where.

(Above) Goblin Assassin (Below) Tech fighter + Wasteland warrior